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Debbie Siebers' Slim in 6 by Beachbody $72.80

Debbie Siebers' Slim in 6 by Beachbody $72.80

Debbie Siebers' Slim in 6 by Beachbody $72.80

Slim in 6 will literally reshape your body in 6 short weeks. The secret is Debbie's exclusive Slim Training technique, which combines fat-burning cardio with light resistance moves to help you slim and sculpt your body without bulking you up! You'll literally shrink your midsection and get slim, sexy thighs, hips, and armsall in just 6 WEEKS.

Feature: SLIM SERIES 6 DVD WORKOUT SET; Includes 6 Workouts - Shape It Up; Tear It Up; Firm It Up; Tone It Up; Mix It Up; Cool It…

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Last updated: January 23, 2010, 2:40 pm

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