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Zeitgeist: The Movie & the Addendum (Amaray Case)

Zeitgeist: The Movie & the Addendum (Amaray Case)

Zeitgeist: The Movie & the Addendum (Amaray Case)

2-disc set of Zeitgeist: The Movie and Zeitgeist: The Addendum. The Movie is in 3 parts. Three chapters of revelation on the ways the powers that be gain their goal of total control over us, the people. Three great frauds. 1. Religion, The draping of Jesus' message in pagan trappings, to twist it into a tool for the mental decapitation of the masses. 2. Fear is Our Fuhrer. Video highlights of the 9/11 fake terror conspiracy demolished. 3. Money. How the banksters have fed fat on wars and…

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Last updated: January 4, 2010, 4:35 am

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