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Ganja Queen $29.95

Ganja Queen $29.95

Ganja Queen $29.95

Bali, Indonesia. Schappelle Corby, a 27-year old Australian woman, languishes in Kerobokan Prison for a crime she insists she didn't commit.Corby had flown to Bali in October 2004 for a two-week holiday on the beach. Amongst her luggage was an unlocked boogie-board bag. When she arrived in Bali and was asked by customs officians to open the tote, they discovered a ten-pound bag of cannabis flattened next to the board. Ganja Queen explores the myriad of twists and turns in this sensational…

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Last updated: January 31, 2010, 7:35 am (Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.)

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