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SAVE $2.5 - Encounter Point $22.49

SAVE $2.5 - Encounter Point $22.49

SAVE $2.5 - Encounter Point $22.49List Price: $24.99 Deal Price: $22.49 You save: $2.5

Just when the world is losing hope about the possibility of resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict comes ENCOUNTER POINT. Created by a Palestinian, Israeli, North and South American team, ENCOUNTER POINT moves beyond sensational and dogmatic imagery to tell the story of an Israeli settler, a Palestinian ex-prisoner, a bereaved Israeli mother and a wounded Palestinian bereaved brother who risk their safety and public standing to press for an end to the conflict. They are at the vanguard of…

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Last updated: February 21, 2010, 9:15 am (Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.)

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