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Superman II - The Richard Donner Cut [HD DVD]

Superman II - The Richard Donner Cut [HD DVD]

Superman II - The Richard Donner Cut [HD DVD]

In the year of Superman Returns, Superman II starring Christopher Reeve also returns - with a totally different beginning and resolution. With Jor-El (Marlon Brando in recently discovered footage) in key scenes that amplify Superman lore and deepen the profound relationship between father and son. With different Lois Lane (Margot Kidder) schemes to unmask Clark Kent as Superman. With...well, with so many changes, large and small, that this Superman II is an eye-opening alternate experience. Director Richard Donner began shooting his vision of Superman II while concurrently filming Superman The Movie. Now, for the first time, his never-before-seen vision is here. And it's a must for every Superman fan, an important addition to the legend of the Man of Steel.

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Last updated: November 6, 2009, 11:42 pm

Superman II - The Richard Donner Cut [HD DVD] Customer reviews:

Average Rating: 4.0 Total Reviews: 233

(Fiona, 2009-10-26) I grew up on this movie, and I love it. Superman 2 was my favorite of the Superman series. In my opinion it was the strongest and most enjoyable, and I believe there are many critics and fans who would agree. I bought this version because the theatrical version was not available on blu-ray, and boy do I regret it. It is nothing like the film I excited to see again (no Eiffel tower sequence, the Niagara sequence is also almost entirely cut). Instead, I got a weak hodgepodge of material that was never intended to go together, or even (some of it) to be seen anywhere but as a deleted scene in the special features menu. It's a novelty, not a film, and more than that, not the film I knew and loved and would like to own. I'm sure there are many people who are glad to finally see the Donner footage, and I'm glad that this makes it available to them, but it is unacceptable as the only version of the best movie of the Superman franchise available on Blu-ray.

(Ronald A. Muraca, 2009-10-14) This is only a review for Superman II The Donner Cut Blu-Ray. The Blu-Ray verson is just so-so. Not much improvement in HD, so stick with the regular DVD for now. Maybe in the future the Blu-Ray version will be better. Haven't seen a Blu-Ray version of the original Superman II. Not much else to say about this release except that I was very disappointed I wasted the extra money on the Blu-Ray version.

(jjc1776, 2009-10-06) Donner should be kicked in the groin for making this very dumb version of Superman II. The ending is lame and unoriginal. The re-cuts do not really add anything to make the story better. I am sorry he lost his chance to see his vision make it to the big screen the first time, but he should have left well enough alone. Save your time and effort and stick with the original one you saw in the theaters.

(Xavier Zavala Heras, 2009-07-24) It is pretty sad that some people don't realize how good director Dick Donner is. First Superman film is classic, unfortunally he couldn't keep on the gig. What is important to realize from this version is that, even when is FAR from been finished, Donner treats viewers with respect and not like morons instead of Lester; I mean, c'mon!: Magic Kiss, celophan S, Pink bears on the floor?. Don't get me wrong, I did loved Superman II when I was a little boy, but now that I see the Donner version, I can tell you right here and now that it is WAAAY superior. Brando was completely necessary on the story given that, even in comics, it is Jor-El whom is more attached to Superman than Lara. I saw in other review that Brando's acting on this part was flat and lack of humanity... well, guess what: Jor-El is not human!!. Not even half of it like his son. He is more a Demi-god with advance understanding of things and problems, and that's why he had to be a little dry, however the story is so well written that I couldn't avoid to feel a little sad when he say good bye to his son. Ladies and gentlement, THIS is how a Superman movie must be made. Not the original Superman II nor even the long boring Superman Returns is as good as Donner incompleted non-budget version. This is a must have!!!.

(Blueman, 2009-06-11) It was interesting to see the Richard Donner version of Superman 2, but in my opinion, the Lester version is better in almost every respect: plot, acting, dialogue, special effects, and soundtrack. It's true that the Lester version had some flaws, but the "Richard Donner" version is full of them. Many people have pointed these out, and it is quite clear that had Donner been able to finish the film as planned, it would have been better. I'm not sure I'm adding thing new that 230 other reviewers haven't already said, but these are my two cents.

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