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The Man Who Drove With Mandela (Institutional Use) $99.00

The Man Who Drove With Mandela (Institutional Use) $99.00

The Man Who Drove With Mandela (Institutional Use) $99.00

In 1962, at the height of oppression in apartheid South Africa, a gay white theatre director named Cecil Williams was arrested with Nelson Mandela. The world knows what happened to Nelson Mandela - but who is Cecil Williams?Driving a gleaming Austin Westminster, Mandela was able to travel around the country by disguising himself as a chauffeur for an elegant, impeccably dressed white man. That man, Cecil Williams, was a leading Johannesburg theater director and a committed anti-apartheid…

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Last updated: February 16, 2010, 12:05 pm (Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.)

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