The History Channel Black Soldiers of WWII 5 Episode Collection Box Set : Black Aviators : Flying Free , America's Black Warriors : Two Wars to Win , Honor Deferred : After 50 Years the Medal of Honor Is Awarded ,The Black Tankers of WWII , a Distant Shore : African Americans of D-day
DVD SET-From America's birth by fire in the Revolution to the sands of Iraq, black warriors have fought and died for our nation. Long before they were recognized as citizens, much less equals, African-Americans sacrificed their lives for a society from which they were largely excluded. This eye-opening and vitally important THE HISTORY CHANELĂ‚® DVD collection brings together five masterful documentaries. This history reflects as positively on the countless valiant fighters. This DVD set…
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Last updated: February 21, 2010, 9:20 am (Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.)