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"The New Rules For Information Marketing Success In THIS Economy: The PROVEN Formulas That Make Fortunes On The Internet!"

"The New Rules For Information Marketing Success In THIS Economy: The PROVEN Formulas That Make Fortunes On The Internet!"

Discover How You Can Quickly and Easily Profit from the Specific Changes Online for Infomation Products happening Right Now, and why the "old rules" taught by many marketers aren't going to work like they have in the past --if you want to last... In The NEW Economy! Long-held beliefs, strategies and tactics such as: "Operation Money Suck," Over-Hyping, Spending 90% of your efforts on only the marketing leaving the product as an afterthought, serial launches and many…

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Last updated: February 24, 2010, 3:45 pm (Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.)

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