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The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour

The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour

The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour

This 1968 oddity is probably a film only a total Beatlemaniac could love, but it carries both musical and historical resonance. It also gives intimations of what would happen in the next 30 years as artists gained more and more power over how they were presented. The roots of virtually any rock star's vanity project (including Prince's Under the Cherry Moon) can be traced to this little Liverpudlian home movie. Fresh from the success of their films A Hard Day's Night and Help!,…

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Last updated: December 13, 2009, 9:15 pm

The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour Customer reviews:

Average Rating: 3.5 Total Reviews: 129

(Bill Dewey/Reclaiming Quarterly, 2009-05-22) The quality of the VHS release is far superior to the DVD available in 2009. The DVD is washed out. The VHS has much better color and image-focus. The content? For me, this movie can be watched many more times than Help or Hard Days Night. Listening to the entire audio is fun too.

(an honest reviewer, 2007-11-16) This is definitely art in moving form. Mesmerizing. Capturing The Beatles during their very brilliant psychedelic period. This dvd is great for anyone who wasn't born, can't remember or wants to take a journey back in time. Though not a Beatles fanatic,I can't resist taking refreshing glance backward to a strange but wonderful place in time. 'I am The Walrus' played out by the band in beautiful,colorful clothes and egg costumes is spliced and put together in a psychedelic collage that's a masterpiece.This in itself is a reason to get this dvd. The whole film is spectacular. Highly recommended.

(Tyree, 2006-12-15) I watched this film in an altered state of consciousness with my friends S. and T., and we throughly enjoyed it. The next day, my friend S. shows the scene preceding "Fool on the Hill" to E. to demonstrate its genius, only to realize how terrible this film is. On the other hand, I still have good memories of the movie, especially the bit featuring George Harrison.

(musicfan28if, 2006-10-12) I like the eleven Beatles music scenes that are essentially pre-MTV music videos. Unfortunately, the remainder of the program, which mainly features "Aunt Jessica", will give you nightmares. They should have provided an option to play only the Beatles music scenes.

(Mr. Taylor D. Regan, 2006-06-06) the magical mystery tour is amazing the beatles are psycadelic masterminds obviously you dont watch the movie how its supoused to be watched...on drugs. thats how they ment it to be watched i love the movie it is really trippy and i think its trippyier than yellow sub. but dont get me wrong the yellow sub has a plot and a good story line and is a better all around movie. but if your watching it for how it was sposed to be watched youd like m.m.t

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