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Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie [Blu-ray] $26.95

Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie [Blu-ray] $26.95

Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie [Blu-ray] $26.95

Trinity and Beyond was originally released in 35mm. The Blu-Ray edition is made from a 1920x1080, 24p High Definition transfer. The sound track for the Blu-Ray has been re-mastered from the original tracks for a Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound experience. Includes a High Def Atomic Bomb slide show as well as a new High Def H-Bomb short.

Director: Peter Kuran

Actor: William Shatner

Release Date: 2009-11-10

Manufacturer: VCE, inc.


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Last updated: December 22, 2009, 3:35 am

Trinity and Beyond - the Atomic Bomb Movie [Blu-ray] Customer reviews:

Average Rating: 5.0 Total Reviews: 1

(Robert E. Urquidi, 2009-11-10) I have been waiting for this Blu-Ray version to come out... this movie is the sole reason that I am going to get a Blu-Ray Player! The whole film is perfectly executed, from the foreboding and sometimes mysterious score that was appropriately performed by the Moscow orchestra, to the chilling interviews with educated scientists. And of course, it has the most epic footage of man's power to destroy... no fake CGI here, this is the real thing! My favorite segment is the 50's mannequin family that is just chillin' in their living room, only to have a blast wave instantly obliterate their existence (It gives a small taste of what it might have been like to exist during the cold war, constantly living under the spectre of potential nuclear holocaust.) I saw the film on HD theater, where the transfer was performed to the highest standards, making for video quality was ridiculously rich in color and detail. I look forward to hearing what the Blu-Ray owners think of the quality in this release. Thanks for finally getting this out there!!

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