A Charlie Brown Christmas
This half-hour Christmas show is one of the truly lovable animated specials in TV history, a status proved by its annual network telecast since 1965. A Charlie Brown Christmas was the first, and best, of a series of programs based on the Charles M. Schulz cartoon strip "Peanuts." Hapless hero Charlie Brown finds himself depressed at Christmastime, searching for the true meaning of the holiday amidst the glitz and commercialism of the modern age. Appointed director of the school holiday pageant, Charlie Brown ventures out with Linus to buy "a great, big, shiny aluminum Christmas tree." Instead they bring back a miserable tree--a real one. A Charlie Brown Christmas shows off the "Peanuts" gang doing what they do best: Lucy is bossy, Snoopy is crazy, Linus is sweet, and Pig Pen is, well, filthy. Instead of using adult actors trying to sound like kids, the production features real children providing the voices, an endearing effect. The jazz music score, composed by Vince Guaraldi, has become a classic in its own right; like so much about this program, it's an unexpected but perfectly right choice. --Robert Horton
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Permalink: dealnay.com/131157
Last updated: October 30, 2009, 9:20 pm
A Charlie Brown Christmas Cusomter reviews:
Average Rating: 4.5 Total Reviews: 182
(MrHT, 2009-10-23) The show is great. I watch it every Christmas with my family and we never get tired of it. But as much as I would love to give this product five stars, I had to knock a star off due to the ridiculous slipcover. The glitter is messssyyyy! Be prepared to wash your hands every time you handle this! I don't know where WB's brains are when they created this slipcover. I feel bad for the people that have to stock this on store shelves. Their hands must get really messy. But other than that, this show is great and it comes with a DVD too. So, I think the $20 is a fair price. Highly recommended so long as you don't mind washing your hands often ;)
(Larry, 2009-10-23) This production stands at the top of my list of endearing Christmas classics, and for so many reasons. First of all, it has been around longer than me, so I have been watching this every Christmas for my entire life. But more importantly, I love this because it is one of the few non-Biblical Christmas TV classics that still CLEARLY touches on the true meaning of Christmas. I say buy this now BEFORE they edit it, or completely obliterate it from the planet. In a time when there are so many fighting to have and and all indications of Christ (including the word "Christmas" itself) so blatantly removed from what is now being simply called the "holiday" season, my worst fear is that there will come a day when this treasured gem will no longer be allowed on television for that very reason, or worse, having the "what Christmas is all about" scene just simply edited out.
(Rushead 2112, 2009-10-08) We all know how we love watching this every year, but is it really worth it to buy the Blu-ray? Well, you don't just get a Blu-ray disc with this release, you also get a second disc that is essentially the remastered SD-DVD that is playable on any standard DVD player. Also, this DVD allows you to download the feature onto your computer/laptop/ipod. So for $20 you get three versions of the film (HD, SD, portable). The picture quality on the Blu-ray is a little better than the remastered DVD, the colors are a little bolder for sure (I'm watching on a professionally calibrated 50" Pioneer Kuro). Also, there is a new 5.1 audio mix that was not on the standard DVD that sounds very engaging. If you already own the remastered DVD, I wouldn't necessarily rush out and buy this. If you don't have the remastered DVD, it's a must buy because you get the Blu-ray and remastered DVD (and the "free" download) for a halfway decent price.
(Huston Huddleston, 2009-09-27) With the over 50 GIGS of memory on a Blu-Ray, Paramount could easily fit the first 11 or 12 TV Specials on one disc, but being the crooks they are, they prefer to screw the American consumer by retailing 29.99 for ONE 25 minute episode, one 12 minute interview and a sub par "Christmas Special" made 20 years AFTER the original masterpiece. Shameful.
(Lily Bhattacharya, 2009-09-13) As a kid I saw this every Christmas. When released into video, I rushed to buy it. I love how in this video, life seems safe and funny. It hints at the true meaning of Christmas from religious point of view and mentions the fact that commercials have told us what to buy and how much. Linus is philosophical, Charlie Brown is moody, Lucy is grouchy and the gang is all there and just as you remember them. It is a excellent video for Kids to enjoy the holiday spirit. Adults will love the sincerity and warmth that the characters and overall story contain. In the end, a sad tree looks beautiful to everyone due to love put into the tree and the Christmas spirit in the childrens hearts. I hope you love it as much as I did. I happily recommend it to anyone.