My Neighbor Totoro
Critically acclaimed as one of the most delightful and charming family films ever, MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO is a stunning animated treat full of magical adventure from Hayao Miyazaki. Follow the adventures of Satsuki and her four-year-old sister Mei when they move into a new home in the countryside. To their delight, they discover that their new neighbor is a mysterious forest spirit called Totoro, who can be seen only through the eyes of a child. Totoro introduces them to extraordinary characters -- including a cat that doubles as a bus! -- and takes them on an incredible journey. Full of wonder and heart, this spectacular 2-disc set features the voice talents of Dakota Fanning and Elle Fanning. MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO is a magical experience for the whole family! © 1988 Nibariki ⢠G
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Last updated: August 23, 2009, 4:05 am
My Neighbor Totoro Cusomter reviews:
Average Rating: 4.5 Total Reviews: 588
(L. Mistry, 2009-10-13) Our family loves this movie. Even though the "baby" of our family is turning ten, all of us still watch the movie together. Anybody with small children between the ages of 3 and 8 should get this one. My daughter and son watched this one almost daily for months on end. My daughter made drawings of the cat bus with all of us inside. It is one of the few movies I can sit down with them and watch and not be annoyed (I have a hard time sitting through many so-called children's movies because something or other will irritate me- like the sterotypes used, rudeness factor, too adult preoccupations with what villians should look like and behave.) The other movies we love are Spirited Away and Kiki's Devilery Service. Let you children watch this before they get too used to the hyper-active, sub-standard and crude fare they will be watching later one. This film lets them be little children rather than brainwashed consumers of animated "comercials" and kiddie sitcoms.
(Grandmother, 2009-10-12) My six-year old twin granddaughters love this DVD so much they wanted a second copy at our house. As could find only 18 left at Amazon as DVD is now out of print and unavailable elsewhere, purchased a collector's edition.
(Shanna Boatler, 2009-09-15) My review about this product is that i never received the dvd. I can say I was very excited about getting this movie for my daughter, but it never came. I sent 2 emails to Supermart/Monstermart. No replies. No resolution. I know this is a very cute movie because i loved it when i first saw it years ago.
(Marianne Luna, 2009-09-05) I've loved this movie ever since I was a little girl. It's an amazing tale that is comprised of love, adventure, and the fantasy world. Amazing movie! I was so happy when I bought it. =] Definitely worth seeing/buying!!!!!
(Christop Glenn, 2009-08-29) I was a little suprised when I watched this movie with my son. I wasn't quite sure what to expect and didn't have high expectations. The warm characters and calm nature in this movie made it a one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Watching various 'children's movies' with my son made me aware of the overall low quality of children's entertainment. This movie featured no parent/children conflicts, evil characters, death, or superheroes trying to save the day. The Totoros were outlandish characters had the subtle and peaceful dispositions I would like to teach my son. The CatBus was friendly as he went about transporting Totoros and the like around the countryside. The Mother and Father were also friendly people who conducted themselves intelligently and amicably.