Depressing Prospects Ultimate DVD: Far Too Gone, Effing Brutal, Meeting Hillary and Fear of Lemonade $6.99
From avant-garde director Brian Labrecque comes pretty much ALL of his work with this 555 minute MAMMOTH DVD collection. In the beginning...(2004) there was a groundbreaking avant-garde short film made about a guy in Seattle who thinks he's Tori Amos. That film, 'Far Too Gone'; changed the indie film scene forever and made it s director, Brian Labrecque, into an indie film god. Now, in 2009, the world will witness the full realization of the characters from Far Too Gone in an action-packed full motion video graphic novel. 'Effing Brutal', the 2 hour tour-de-force of transvestite superhero greatness which pits Josh and his team of super losers against a skateboarder cult and the entire city of Seattle. Voiced by the original cast of Far Too Gone, this mind-bending, surreal epic will most assuredly melt your skull. Also included, 4 more psycho short films including the sicko-romantic animated epic 'April Fools' and the computer warrantee revenge cartoon 'Fist Full of Pizza' . Watch 'Meeting Hillary' , where an evil witch lures a naive girl into a deadly trap. Finally, see the story of a homeless druggy motivational speaker who is recruited by home-invading tweens and tormented by a girl-scout from Hell in the psychotronic thriller 'Fear of Lemonade' . Plus an unabridged audio-book version of Effing Brutal, music videos, TV interviews, radio interviews, and MUCH MORE!!
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Last updated: September 10, 2009, 3:05 pm
Depressing Prospects Ultimate DVD: Far Too Gone, Effing Brutal, Meeting Hillary and Fear of Lemonade Cusomter reviews:
Average Rating: 5.0 Total Reviews: 1
(Brian, 2009-09-27) pretty messed up. You can watch it all day if you call in sick from work.