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GROW! Ten Strategies for Maximizing your Leadership Potential $34.99

GROW! Ten Strategies for Maximizing your Leadership Potential $34.99

GROW! Ten Strategies for Maximizing your Leadership Potential $34.99

Do you want to increase your influence? Are you looking for practical ways to improve your leadership? Effective leaders recognize the importance of continuous learning and personal development. They are also dedicated to empowering and training others. Based on the fourth factor of effective leadership, improvement, this seminar offers ten proven methods for leadership development, including five strategies for personal growth and five strategies for developing other leaders.This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

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Last updated: December 2, 2009, 6:30 am

GROW! Ten Strategies for Maximizing your Leadership Potential Customer reviews:

Average Rating: 5.0 Total Reviews: 3

(Jacob V. Mullins, 2009-08-31) I read a lot of business books and see various speakers and videos. What I like about David Rendell's GROW! is this: It's simple. I have showed this video to managers in my organization, and you can see the lightbulb go off. It's great. David also provides backup documentation on his website such as a Power Point presentation, summary, and more. If you are in a position of leadership or a small business owner, BUY THIS!

(Georgia -, 2009-05-11) This DVD is one of the best leadership resource: * Great educative DVD. * Good motivation. * Evan entertainment.

(Michael Lowstetter, 2007-10-24) I have read, listened to, and watched many many leadership and self development presentations, and what I have found is there are very few people out there that can do three things very well. Very few authors, writers, and speakers that can entertain, motivate, and educate all at the same time. But David Rendall can do all three. After all of the materials I have touched over the years, I came away from Grow! with new information, exciting personal stories, and an energy to really work on improving myself. David Rendall is easy to listen to, enjoyable to watch, and his ten strategies are right on. He does not just give you the ten things YOU should do, but he truly sets the example. The first strategy is to begin with you. And Rendall exemplifies that. You will hear story after story about how the strategies he is giving you have helped better his potential and effectiveness. If you are on the bubble whether you are or are not going to spend the money to buy this DVD. Let me tell you this, stop debating. I would suggest you buy it now and go ahead and buy a second one because you are going to want to give this away to someone you care about.

Shop Now: GROW! Ten Strategies for Maximizing your Leadership Potential $34.99

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