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A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible $24.95

A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible $24.95

A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible $24.95

A Lamp in the Dark is an exciting documentary that shows the intriguing history of the Bible. Enter into a world of saints and martyrs battling against spies, assassins, and wolves in sheep's clothing. Through the Middle Ages, the popes and Inquisition forbade biblical translation, threatening imprisonment and death to those who disobeyed. Learn the lives of men like John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, Myles Coverdale and others, who hazarded their lives to communicate the…

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Last updated: December 27, 2009, 8:45 pm

A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible Customer reviews:

Average Rating: 5.0 Total Reviews: 3

(R. J. Martinez, 2009-12-27) This is the most comprehensive film regarding the history of the Bible that I have ever seen to date. This film is easy to follow and understand. It is constantly interjecting pictures and short dramatizations regarding the information being explained. The script is concise and at times compelling. This film leaves no stone unturned. This film is extremely exhaustive with chapter titles; The Gospel Record; The Roman Church; Dominic and the Inquisition; The Pilgrim Church; John Wycliffe; The Great Reformation; William Tyndale; Tyndale to King James;Enter The Jesuits; and The King James Bible. It documents dates and sources from which it derives its information. Not only does it compile its history from reliable sources... this is perfectly scriptural in its presentation of Biblical Christianity's history. This film is a breathe of fresh air when it comes to a solid historical viewpoint. It does not set forth politically correct views regarding the Catholic church or their historical doctrines. I appreciate its extra chapter regarding the KJV. I hope that many who use modern translations see this film and appreciate the translation approach and uniqueness of this KJV. This film is a must see by anyone slightly interested in the history of the Bible. I whole heartily recommend this volume.

(D. McCulloch, 2009-12-20) In the arena of Christian Filmmaking, Christian Pinto stands alone. His films are gripping and aesthetically pleasing, constantly drawing the viewer to demand to see the next scene. But even more, his movies are important. His Riddles in Stone trilogy unveils the mysteries of America's beginnings and how the Masons have insinuated themselves into our history. The Megiddo series shows how every Christian has the responsibility of the Watchman as we approach the Last Days. The Kinsey Syndrome is so compelling that every Christian and non-Christian parent in this country has not fulfilled his responsibility until they have seen this documentary and witness the monster who is at the center of the Sexual Revolution. And now, Mr. Pinto has given us A Lamp in the Dark, the story of how we received the English language Bible. Lamp follows the history of how the Bible was written and by whom. It progresses to the Church fathers who passed the Word of God on and preserved it under the threat of jail, torture and death. Pinto does an excellent job telling the story of the Reformation, but just as impressively, he tells the history of the oft forgotten pre-Reformed groups such as the Waldensians, Lollards and Albigenses. While Christians have often been persecuted by the World, they have been even more victimized by the "established church." This movie is a must see for every Christian who takes the Bible seriously.

(thechrisaccount, 2009-12-17) This film is three hours jam packed with information about the history of the Bible, and the blood that was shed so that our generation could read it. Sadly, too few Christians really understand the sacrifice of the saints who have come before us, especially during the Inquisition era. "A Lamp in the Dark" has been called a "sure cure for Christian apathy," and does not pull any punches in revealing the uncomfortable truth of the Dark Ages. The production goes on location to England and Belgium, to the British Library and the William Tyndale Museum, the site where Tyndale was strangled and burnt at the stake, and then Erasmus House in Anderlecht. There are original interviews with the curators of these museums who explain significant facts about the history of Textus Receptus and the development of the English Bible. There is a lot of footage of ancient manuscripts and even a replica of the jail cell where Tyndale was kept before he was put to death. The film really gives a timeline of the Bible from the first century up through the Middle Ages, climaxing with the King James Bible of 1611, and showing that the reason Rome hates the KJV is because it represents the collective work of the Protestant Reformation. The documentary also seems designed as a witnessing tool to Roman Catholics, since it confronts some of the key doctrines of the Catholic Church, including transubstantiation, papal authority and the veneration of Mary. The producers were careful to focus their commentary on the teachings of the Reformers, and show clearly how the faith of modern Evangelical Christians developed by recovering the original teachings of the Bible. Also, events of the past are often linked to modern events, showing how the Reformation continues to impact Europe and America today, through things like the European Union and the Emerging Church. Shocking information and detailed quotes are presented about the popes, which every Christian and Catholic should know. There is also a detailed history of the Jesuit Order and the Counter Reformation begun by them. Some of the Jesuits history in the modern world, with the Lincoln assassination and during World War II with Hitler is also shown. The film is done in a History Channel "style" with a variety of interviews cross-cut with dramatic re-enactments of certain historical events.

Shop Now: A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible $24.95

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