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Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

Obsession is a film about the threat of Radical Islam to Western civilization. Using unique footage from Arab television, it reveals an 'insider's view' of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. The film also traces the parallels between the Nazi movement of World War II, the Radicals of today, and the Western world's response to both threats. Featuring interviews with Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Alan…

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Last updated: December 26, 2009, 4:45 pm

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West Customer reviews:

Average Rating: 4.0 Total Reviews: 96

(Michael Chesbro, 2009-09-20) I have watched "Obsession" in its entirety several times now. When I first watched the movie I was not particularly surprised to see Islamic extremists calling for a holy war against the West and for the destruction of America, but what did surprise me was the number of educated men and leaders in the worldwide Muslim community that were presented in the movie making these calls for violence and terrorism. For example we see in the movie how on 24 August 2001, Dr. Ikrirne Sabri, the Mufti of Palestine, the senior religious figure in the Palestinian authority prayed on the radio for God to destroy Israel, Great Britain and the United States. One may argue that "Obsession" shows just a handful of radical extremists, a few of whom are in a position of influence, but I think there is more to the underlying threat than a few radicals. In Obsession we see crowds of Muslims dancing in the streets and celebrating the terrorist attacks against the United States on 11 September 2001. We see similar crowds stirred into a frenzy burning American flags and effigies of American leaders. These are not just a few radical young men expressing their hate and dissent, rather the Muslims dancing in the streets to celebrate terrorist attacks are the common population of Muslim communities. "Obsession" states that radical Islam is at war with the West, and that "the tentacles of terrorism are reaching out across the world." The threat of worldwide terrorism cannot be denied, nor as we see in the movie "Obsession", can we deny the fact that this terrorism stems from Islam. While the movie stresses that it is a radical and extremist element within Islam that is conducting terrorism in the name of their faith; when we see Muslim communities dancing in the streets to celebrate terrorist attacks we have to ask ourselves how deeply this radical vein runs into the average Muslim community. One of the greatest threats that we face is the idea that Islamic terrorism stems only from a few extremists in the Islamic faith. Dr. Daniel Pipes, Director of the Middle East Forum states in the movie that he estimates that 10-15 percent of the world's Muslim population supports militant Islam. With more than one-billion Muslims in the world, 10 - 15 percent is a significant threat. But he also points out that the number of Muslims who are "anti-American" or "anti-Zionist" is far greater than that 10-15 percent. We see a Jordanian/Palestinian school book from 1998 which states: "This religion [Islam] will destroy all other religions through the Islamic Jihad fighters." We see young school children reciting "Jihadist" poetry and stating their desire to march to their deaths in the name of Allah. Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch points out in "Obsession" just how mainstream the concepts of radical Islam have become in the Muslim world. Another fact that is pointed out in the movie is that these Islamic extremists and terrorists are using our own laws, our own tolerance and diversity against us. We see in "Obsession" how the 9/11 terrorists trained to conduct their attacks against the United States from within the United States. The Islamic terrorists of 11 September 2001 were admitted into the United States, issued driver's licenses (which helped them pass as Americans), and trained to fly aircraft at American schools. "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West" is essential viewing for anyone trying to understand what is happening with terrorism in the world today, and perhaps most importantly understanding the root of the majority of all transnational terrorism. The world is at war, not against any country or nation, but against a belief indoctrinated into young school children until their obsession is to march to their own deaths. While it may be true that most Muslims are not terrorists, we must take note of the fact that most [transnational] terrorists are in fact Muslims. The world is at war against radical Islam!

(Astrid, 2009-09-19) I received this DVD in the mail around the time of the last presidential election. I did not order it or request a copy, it just showed up one day. After watching the propaganda, I broke the DVD in half and sent it back to the distibutors who had sent it to me. The direction of the film deliberately pulled the viwer into a crescendo of fear and hate for faceless terrorists who are attempting to thwart American freedoms and happiness. If you have half a brain you can see the film for what it is: an attempt to polarize Americans and Muslims, a manipulative attempt to justify the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The film plays on the emotions of Americans who are largely ignorant of the real things that they should fear: un-checked consumerism, spiraling obesity, a shoddy national education system, broke down infra-structures, un-regulated health insurance companies, etc. The film is meant to distract us from the home grown terror all around us. In light of the the recent financial scandals the producers would have better spent their money by producing a documentray called: Obsession: Radical Capitalism's War Against Everyone Else in the World.

(Brad Niese, 2009-08-08) Good video to watch and realize the imminent danger that is in our own backyard. We need to pray to whatever God you worship to bring the tyrrant down and to help the voices that oppose terrorism. No religion refers to the innocent slaughter of mankind, even Islam. WAKE- UP WORLD Islamic terrorism and propaganda is real. They brainwash young children to do horrific acts against man. Hatred breeds hatred. They televise on their T.V. networks to the point that that is all they hear, see, eat, and breath.

(A. A Trosper, 2009-05-15) i learned nothing new or surprising from this video, the radical version of islam has been the same since Palestine was stolen and zionist apartheid as started by isreal, brittan and the US. a one sided cut rate video that does not take into account that the US government trained and supported the taliban against russia in the cold war or that the zionists are committing genocide against the Palestinians. nor does it mention that most anti-islamic sentiment aka (anti-semitism proper) is fed by radical zionism and radical christianity in the republicrat party. it refuses to admit that this war on terror is a backlash with the wahabist and shia muslims (Shirk) against zionism and isreal and even a possible ruse for a war for illegally aqcuiring natural resources. typically the sunnis muslims are not ever involved in any form of support of murder and war. the majority of muslims are sunnis and most sunnis are against any from of terrorism. this video is dangerous because it leaves out almost all the important facts about muslims, islam and jihad and at best briefly mentions it in passing and does not point this fact out. if they were honest they would admit that Zionist Christians and Jews in DC are making this war possible. most anti-terrorism is really a mask of anti-Islam. look up muslim Demographics and you will find out that every single person in the USA in 25 years or less will know a muslim family in their town and/or block and that they will meet a american convert that is white and from a christian background and in 50 years the majority of americans will be muslims. the facts are that you will be related to a muslim with in 20-60 years time. you will have a muslim relative in 100 years, every single one of us will know and see or speak to muslims on a daily basis in 10-20 years. one of your children will to convert to islam at some time or marry one or your grandchildren will. No there is nothing wrong with this but facts are facts the USA will have a muslim majority in 50 years or less and if the war on terror ended today or not, it would not stop islam from coming to the west. nor will they admit that Iraq is being turned radioactive with depleted uranium bullets a slow horrible from of genocide against the Iraqi people that will destroy that nation in a few decades. nor will they tell you that the USA has a serious codeine shortage and Afghanistan and Iraq had huge amounts of opium fields and hemp fields and the mountains are filled with natural gas reserves that will be able to supply the world for hundreds of years.. again the middle east and near middle east has another thing that the US, Israel and Brittan can not control with out genocide against it's occupants. this film is dishonest one side pulp filth journalism at its worst. if you wanna see a republican judeo-christian version of mike moore type of propaganda and disinformation and misinformation watch this video..

(Swinger of Birches, 2009-05-09) Who doesn't realize Moslem extremists are nuts?? Why not look at religious fundamentalism as a world-wide phenomenon and their connection with the fossil fuel interests and the investment bankers? The timing of the distribution of millions of these things in our newspapers was no doubt an attempt to suggest that we should go with the war "hero" who, it was assumed, would be tougher on Moslem extremism(effectiveness is apparently a whole other issue as "W" amply demonstrated). A fine production for the credulous and the paranoid.

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