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Shiva Rea: Creative Core & Lower Body $9.99

Shiva Rea: Creative Core & Lower Body $9.99

Shiva Rea: Creative Core & Lower Body $9.99

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Last updated: November 20, 2009, 10:50 am

Shiva Rea: Creative Core & Lower Body Customer reviews:

Average Rating: 4.0 Total Reviews: 11

(Moni Wood, 2009-10-09) I absolutlely love this DVD for days when I don't have a lot of time. I usually do the bonus footage first as a warm-up then do the remainder of the DVD which makes for a total time of approximately 34 minutes. Even though the practice is short, afterwards I feel centered, calm and strong. The lower body portion is a refreshing change from typically vinyasas that usually use chaturanga to up dog, to down dog as home base. Instead the yoga squat position is your home base as you flow between sides doing standing poses eventually creating your own flow based upon how you are feeling that day. I also like the abdominal section. very creative!

(C. L. Greer, 2009-10-08) I own all three of Shiva's core workouts and they pack quite the punch into just over 20 minutes! I usually combine her core dvd's with various other yoga dvd's or after I am done running. They aren't enough to do just by themselves, but I don't think they were meant to be. I usually combine this DVD with a Power Yoga (Power Yoga by Bryan Kest is my favorite) or with any other strong upper body set of yoga. As like all of her other DVD's, the background is simply breathtaking and gorgeous, it's enough to just watch that by itself! The music is always good. It does have a lot of the same moves as the other two core DVD's so if you're looking to save a little money, maybe just get the Creative Core DVD.

(Sinjin, 2009-09-05) I found this very hard for the first 4-5 attempts but I stayed with it and it became more manageable. Has been helpful with back problems. Only 2 routines for about 22 minutes or so. Would like to have had more variety but still useful.

(A. Kalbaugh, 2009-05-26) This DVD is a disappointment because it was very short. Shiva goes through standing poses then does an abdominal core seguence. The standing sequence just was not long enough. There should have been warm up exercises and more lower body exercises for that segment. Also the core seguence needs more exercises. I feel like I got robbed for my money. This DVD was a waste of my yoga practice time. I want my money back.

(R.R., 2009-03-14) My first Shiva dvd was Yoga Shakti, her more purist yoga effort. It is one of my favorite yoga dvds of all time. It stands out as unique in the overcrowded vinyasa dvd market. It is also in my opinion the best produced, most beautiful yoga dvd ever. My next was Creative Core Abs which I did not fancy. I thought it was fresh and well produced, but it just wasnt my style. I hesistated with the Creative Core Lower and Upper Body dvds because I did not something similar to Creative Core Abs. I was prompted by the reviews to take a chance on them and I am so glad I got them. I did both the lower and upper body today and found them fascinating including the core sections. This is real yoga and yet it is truly creative. I see the influence of classical Indian dance in the way Shiva "flows" from pose to pose - especially in her arm / hand movements. The choreography of the vinyasa on the lower body video and the core section is truly beautiful without straying too far from classic yoga asana which I thought happned with Creative Core Abs. As a workout, Lower Body is enjoyable and manages to build quite a burn in the quads and hamstrings. My only minor quibble is that I wish the yogic squats section had been a bit longer. Thank you amazon reviewers, especially Yoni.

Shop Now: Shiva Rea: Creative Core & Lower Body $9.99

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