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Yoga for Runners $19.99

Yoga for Runners $19.99

Yoga for Runners $19.99

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Last updated: August 11, 2009, 1:50 am

Yoga for Runners Cusomter reviews:

Average Rating: 5.0 Total Reviews: 4

(Kcirtap, 2009-10-23) I was looking for a program to improve my flexibility and yoga does just that. This DVD is about 55 minutes long and simple enough to do for a yoga novice like me, but challenging enough to stay interesting. I've done the program 5 times or so and the warmup/cooldown sections 15-20 times (12 min. each); I can't definitively say it is helping my running times, but I have improved balance and am getting better at the poses. I have not had difficulty navigating the DVD. My only issues are 1)it seems a bit pricey for a 57 minute DVD that is copied as people buy it and 2) the guilt trip at the end about starving children in Africa. I too care about the poverty there, but at the end of my relaxing cooldown is not the best time to be reminded. Still, I give it 5 stars as the nuts and bolts of the exercises are what I was looking for.

(Indiana Petite, 2009-10-22) Ann's delivery is a little too gentle and New Age-y for my spouse, who prefers Sadie Nardini's more forthright style, but this DVD has been great for me, a beginning runner and absolute neophyte when it comes to yoga (though I've done several other forms of body movement). Ann's very helpful with guidance about breathing and safe posture, what muscles are being stretched or strengthened, and what kinds of modifications/props will make poses easier or more challenging. I have two insignificant reservations, the second of which I may need to update once I've practiced another few months: 1. The DVD is supposedly set up to allow a runner either to practice the entire sequence of poses, or to do the warm-up, go run (skipping the main workout), and finish up with the cool-down. But visually, it's very hard to tell from the menu which button to select to get to Scene Selections, so I always spend a minute or two fumbling with the remote. 2. I've only used the DVD twice a week for a month, so I haven't yet seen improvement in my flexibility. But I'm getting better at keeping my balance during some of the trickier poses, so I'll trust that Ann's right when she says to be patient and not force things.

(Chantilita, 2009-08-13) I've been a MommYoga fan for awhile now, and was excited when this new DVD came out. I used to run often, but have had too much trouble with pain in my knees to want to pick it up again. This DVD has changed all that. Since I started using the DVD, I am beginning to feel more strength in my knees, and less pain. I think with a little more time, I will be able to pick up a regular running regiment again! Until then, I am very pleased with the results--more flexibility, less knee pain, and also that great peacefulness that I feel while doing yoga. I feel like I will be able to tackle anything! There are three parts to the DVD, making it an hour long. I love that if I don't feel like I have time for a full hour, I can just do the warm up or main session, and still feel like I have done something wonderful for myself. Richmond has a soothing, encouraging voice, that helps you through the various poses. If you aren't able to do the full stretch, she shows you alternate ways do achieve the same results, while helping to build your flexibility at the same time. The music is stimulating without being overwhelming, and the scenery is breathtaking. All in all, a highly recommended product! Great for runners, newbies, or those that want to pick it up again.

(Grace, 2009-07-29) Watch Video Here: I LOVE this DVD! I have been a big fan of the MommYoga series, and this one is probably one of my favorites, as well as Yoga for Yourself. I am fairly new to running, and I have experienced a lot of pain and re-starts. Already, I can feel this DVD helping me tremendously. The pain in my heels is rapidly diminishing. My knees are feeling much stronger and better, and my hamstrings are not nearly so tight. It has been completely worth it to me to buy this DVD. This DVD has three parts: a warm-up, the main practice, and a cool down. The warm up is 15 minutes long (which I love, because it helps me actually stretch for long enough that I don't injure myself or pull anything while running), and the cool down is 10 minutes. What I have done is use the warm up and cool down on the days that I run, and I do the entire DVD (about 1 hour) on my days off. It's been perfect for me, because that's about the amount of time I spend on running anyway. I am really happy with the results! I highly recommend this DVD! (A couple of side notes: 1) I have done yoga for a while, and I enjoyed the flow of the poses. They were just challenging enough to be enjoyable, but not overkill. They were just the right level for me. I can see some of them possibly being a bit more difficult for someone who is newer to yoga, but with the instructor's pleasant and gentle encouragement and instruction, I can see new and old yogis alike really enjoying this sequence! 2) I got this video clip from her website.)

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