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Zeitgeist, The Movie

Zeitgeist, The Movie

Three chapters of revelation on the ways the powers that be gain their goal of total control over us, the people. Three great frauds. 1. Religion, The draping of Jesus' message in pagan trappings, to twist it into a tool for the mental decapitation of the masses. 2. Fear is Our Fuhrer. Video highlights of the 9/11 fake terror conspiracy demolished. 3. Money. How the banksters have fed fat on wars and panics to engineer the rise and fall of empires, as well as mere markets. Zeitgeist is…

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Last updated: December 12, 2009, 5:51 pm

Zeitgeist, The Movie Customer reviews:

Average Rating: 4.0 Total Reviews: 37

(Ed, 2009-10-23) Actually calling it Garbage is an insult to trash. Let's see if they make a follow criticizing their master Obama. I doubt it.

(R. Richardson, 2009-10-14) very informative movie. religion and politics are examined and questioned. if you dont have an open mind, dont buy this movie

(richard from oz, 2009-10-11) 'Zeitgeist' provides comfort for those who would deny religion; who are suspicious of the banking system; who express outright disbelief about many aspects of our political system; and who wonder about the dark forces behind many world events. These people will enjoy the 'evidence' and greater conviction that 'Zeitgeist' gives them. Others, perhaps of a less radical nature, will decry the whole thing. 'Zeitgeist' will polarise its audience, perhaps unfortunately, because in ideal circumstances, people of mixed opinions would watch it and then be able to discuss the points it makes so strongly. Arguments are more likely.

(J. Westbrooks, 2009-08-30) This movie opens your eyes to how another person or persons view events or subjects. I googled quite alot on this and i go by 3's in my research. They were wrong (popular concensus)on a few parts. They use fear in the same way they explain the stutus quo uses it while pointing out the flaws of the status quo to the veiwer, you. But that doesnt matter since i know reality is realitive to the observer and fact unless proven without flaws (scientific laws) is just the writers/observers opinion/conclusion. That and every man is right in his own mind. What is important is the ending. If you look into this alil bit you will be brought before a great new idea of a future called The Venus Project. Look it up and form your own opinion. If you enjoyed this movie might i recommend the movie "What a way to go." If your a reader then read "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn which just furthers my yearning for The Venus Project to become reality. The whole we are one is consciousness creates reality which is one of many quantum theories. Better defined as solipsism, or in a way Advaita Vedanta since you reading this only know you truly exist and from your observations create reality, or personal illusional world. But everyone being of one source would already know that so wake up! I dont like sleepers sitting next to me on this rollor coaster that i imagined and placed you next to me to amuse me... or you created me to amuse you. If you're thinking to yourself im a fool or what have you or my definitions are wrong realize its all realitive and thats my definitions or opinions and yours are yours.

(D.R.Thomas, 2009-07-08) I read the rebuttal of Zeitgeist from the website another reviewer offered ( and have concluded that it in itself can be facilely refuted-that is where the conundrum lies. This tit-for-tat and perpetual debate of Politics and Religion is something that will forever plague the human race due to our Creative minds and the ability to consume information and subsequently develop Novel perspectives as its exhaust. Unfortunately, we (the human race as a whole) degrade the potential for Unity, Peace, Love and Prosperity by wallowing in the pompous perspective that our erudition is the Alpha and Omega; from these precipitous convictions we evoke the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and force ourselves to a precipice. Which is why I am reserved to believe this quote, which I came into through Terrence McKenna who accredited it to Voltaire: "Man will know no peace until the last politician is slain in the entrails of the last priest." I do not wish to murder all Politicians and Priests, for they are a necessary evil, but that saying espouses the truth of how insidious they can be on our human culture when they abuse affluence, power and Public Trust. This ideological war is given momentum through the ages, especially when someone goes against the grain of conventional thought; it is infinite, but quite prudent because it aids us in evolving culture, which in turn evolves intelligence and in turn enhances and evolves technology...etc. and so forth in a cyclic manner. How do we EVER know conclusively what we believe, or what we have been taught, is truth? Do we base this on logic? What substantiates your theory of truth? Do we base this on faith? Do we base this on physical evidence? Do we base this on intuition? Do we not all take a leap of faith when our subconscious emits a signal of subjective resonance when encountering new knowledge that our senses ingest? Truth will never be known, because truth is deduced by your Interpretation of the data available in the Communal reality that we call physical existence-we are all equally ignorant, my good friend. The Earth is an immane system and it is beyond the capabilities of any human to understand or know the truth. Now, there are those items that are real that we can all see, such as physical objects, but when you start sifting through philosophy, politics, occults, religions, history, mysticism, ancient scriptures, archeology, television, media and all of the other extremities of anthropology our ubiquitous reality starts to dissolve into something very personal, subjective and individual, even if the programming is based on ideological and cultural lies; therefore, the only truth is that no one knows the truth, we only have six billion subjective perspectives, which by default gives us six billion possibilities for the truth of reality. What is the nature of truth, and who is the arbiter of the truth? Truth is but a quandary in itself; for we, as individuals, will find impoverishment in that which others find opulence. The truth is that we are a global entity, the human organism, represented by six billion interdependent individuals, of which the masses has come to believe themselves to be separate from that whole by the beguile of Politics, Religion (not spirituality or ontology), Materialism and Egotism. We are all are merely that which are manifested by the aggregate of 50 trillion cells-our somatic vessel. We have come to fill the sands of time with a myriad of ideological facets that are becoming exponentiations supported by microcosms of ideological philosophies and renditions of archeological excavations; of which will continue to infinitely synthesize into more convoluted tendencies for the posterity to decipher and ruminate upon. The Truth is that Truth is Tentative. Most of what we have come to know as "Truth", especially in reference to Religious Texts, is deduced by investigations of Vestiges. From these Vestiges our scholars fight and bicker over what data and hypotheses are the Alpha and Omega. - WHO CARES?! What is truly comical to me is that the precarious position of a tentative reality is not populated just by the laity, even the scholars barrage and joust for their sway on the theory of truth and what should be conventionally accepted as TRUTH. While there are items in Zeitgeist I have my reservations about, and others that I flat out rebut, it is indeed an eloquent and intriguing piece of art. I take it with the same grain of salt I do with all of my collegiate textbooks, my personal library, the Media that we call news and all of the other facets my sensory organs import data from. Its message, I think, is relatively benign and those that attempt to refute can be refuted by someone of the adverse perspective, and more qualified to do so, and so on and vice versa into infinity. The debate will continue for as long as we wish to falter to contention, of which we humans are habitual offenders. To me it says, "That thing that all cultures call gods or god is wrong...religion is wrong, become spiritual which is an individual non-bigoted path to enlightenment and spirituality, not a manufactured one. Be open-minded and research the truth for yourself, become actively involved in your democracy. Know what you know not because you were programmed, but because you endeavored to learn. Remove yourself from violence and self destructive behaviors. Be apart of that essence that sways the tides of change, that essence that is Peace, Love, Prosperity and Diversity represented by the ability to Unite and Transcend all of our Materialistic iniquities." Do I believe that Christianity was fecundated by the preceding religions? It is obvious. Do I think Christianity is original? No, that Eastern area has always been unstable and constantly subjected to cross pollination of culture. Not to mention the amount of contention that exists within Christianity over alternative texts, interpretations and alternate scriptures, especially that of the Gnostics, of Jesus that date back to the same period from which the Bible was canonized. Do I think Jesus existed? I am to the point where I do not care and it does not matter. If he was a myth or existed historically that does not change the fact that he has been recorded as saying some profound things, and so did the likes of other spiritual Mentors that predated him and will postdate him. From that we must search all of OUR cultures and all of their facets, ancient and modern, to understand and arrive closer to the truth. If people want to believe in some benevolent imaginary deity then all power to them as long as they do not start a Jihad or an Inquisition to get everyone else to concede to their religion and achieve solidarity. Do I think a secret society just spontaneously created the initial catalyst of religions for control? No. Do I think religion has been used as a way to control the masses? It is historically obvious. Do I think there are faults in the King James Version of the Bible? Even Christian theologians support that, which is why there are over a hundred translations of the Christian Bible. Do I think that astrology affected culture? It is obvious; it seems to be represented in our collective unconscious by emerging as perennial philosophies and motifs. Do I think religious fundamentalists are corrosive to the world and the future of civilization? Yes, they are all destroying the world with their bigotry and violence; especially with their Jihads, Inquisitions and "The Rapture" fundamentalists awaiting, anticipating and aspiring for the world to be destroyed so they make no attempt to fix the problems we have that they ascribe to the reason for god's destruction of the world-these people amaze me! Do I believe secret societies exist? Yes. Do I believe they have the ability to control the world? No. Do I believe they may attempt to through nefarious means? Yes. Do I think they had more influence in centuries past on economy, politics and religion? Yes, it is obvious. Do I think capitalist companies and banks seek profit for their own interest and do so by sucking the vitality out of the masses by taking advantage of their ignorance? Yes, is that not like a basic tenet of capitalism? Do I think an amalgam of all the economic theories would be better? Yes, no one system has proved to be more benevolent or insidious. Do I think government is a negative thing? No, our country has proven to be a prudent investment and the masses is literally two seconds away from anarchy at any given moment. Do I think our economy is insolvent and should be reformed? Not completely, but everything needs revitalization and innovation induced by novel concepts. Do we drop the ball sometimes when we try? Yes. Do I support a sustainable GREEN globally united organic society? Yes. Does religion matter? No. Does being spiritual or ontological (as I call it) matter? Yes, but that is an individual path that is sought and wrought through pursuing knowledge, development, experience and growth, of which the path is infinite. Am I religious? No. Do I think 9/11 was an inside job? No, but I do think there were some individuals that were "inside" to get the job done. Do I think there was a concern about an attack? Yes. Do I think we dropped the ball? It is very well possible. Do I think there were models and staged planes? I seriously doubt it. Do I think companies profit from war? Yes. Do I think that these companies would want to cause a war to make billions of dollars? Yes. Do I think there are very questionable elements about 9/11? Yes, a preponderant amount. Do I think our current human culture can take more stress? No. Do I think we are on a path that has a successful end? No. Do I have hope and have faith that we have the Power to Change the outcome? Yes, but we have to rid ourselves and ascend the barriers and borders of political parties, creeds, flags, race, social status, sex and other isolating bigotries to succeed.......I could continue on and on, but I guess it would be considered pontification, because who am I to say what is and should be. In conclusion, regardless if Zeitgeist is fact or fiction it makes one pensive about the innumerable possibilities of perspectives of history, politics and religion, which in turn alters ones perspective of the TRUTH. The one thing that can be learned from it, no matter if you contend with it or not: "SEEK knowledge independently and through unbiased and diverse means, otherwise you are operating on a manufactured default." To say it is completely devoid of any social value is disingenuous to art and the profundity that it exhibits which results in an exercise that causes one to dwell within the depths of the mind that even a modest level intelligence can appreciate, while they are more likely to accept it at face value, it nonetheless has artistic social value. I must beckon a question here with reference to taking something at face value, what is the level of gullibility, naivety and ignorance of individuals that take religious scriptures at face value from oral tradition, Sunday morning sermons and intermittently traversing the Bible in order to remember "key" scriptures, which ultimately breeds a level of ignorance of the very thing they worship? Like wise, what is the level of gullibility, naivety and ignorance of individuals that take political ideals at face value from public rumor, media and oral tradition? Then we could ask this question about every subject of life, and in the end somethings just have to be accepted by FAITH, faith is not something reserved just for the religious fundamentalists, because there is no way for one entity to vet every atom of the Universe, but where is that line between logic and FAITH drawn?! Operating on default is the state of being programmed by your environment and culture through the absence of fervent studiousness rather than using your environment or culture to program yourself with the presence of fervent studiousness. Knowledge has the potential to become Wisdom and Wisdom has the potential to become Enlightenment. Unfortunately, the only way we achieve this, by my perspective, is culturing the mind with the consumption of knowledge from diverse sources and a series of meditations, of which should be perpetual until death-at least in my realm of belief this has proven tried and veritable. In the end what truly matters is that we are here and now, today, and have a future that WE will create by imagining something better and seeking to achieve that ideal; to hell with the gods, goddesses, religions, scriptures, politics, governments, corporations and currencies! If we all practice prudent and productive lifestyles that sustain and promote Peace, Love, Prosperity, Diversity and Ecological Sustainability with concern for all of our six billion brothers and sisters we will, through these ideals, ensure that immortality for our species is insured. - D.R.Thomas

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