SAVE $1.49 - Matchstick Men (Keepcase) $11.49
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Studio: Warner Home Video Release Date: 09/08/2009
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Last updated: October 17, 2009, 11:16 pm
Matchstick Men (Keepcase) Cusomter reviews:
Average Rating: 4.0 Total Reviews: 162
(Thomas M. Becker, 2009-10-17) I like Nic Cage & he does a great job here as an obsessive-compulsive con man. Some twists and turns - very entertaining.
(R. Bagula, 2009-09-13) A conman has a set of phobias that cause him discomfort. He runs of of his medication and sees a new doctor his friend knows about. Through the doctor he begins to see his 14 year old daughter. Things go bad after a financial con on currency exchange. What happens in the end changes the life of the conman for the better... I kind of like the double twist at the end in this movie.
(Classic Movie watcher, 2009-09-11) Nicholas Cage and Sam Rockwell played Roy and Frank, con artists with Roy teaching Frank everthing he knew. In came Alison Lohman, Roy's never met 14-year old daughter Angela, who reestablisehd Roy's link with the real world. Just when Roy was willing to break his rule - he ventured into the danger zone and did one last big job with Frank, he put his as well as Angela's life in danger. One would even assume the 3 will pull it off... The movie is much more interesting when Angela showed up. Alison Lohman is natural, eager and smart as her papa. Only she was actually 22 when she played the 14-year old. So she is blessed with the youthful look but delivered a sophisticated role. The movie ended up with an upbeat note, with Nicholas Cage losing a lot but gaining something he has never had before. I like the ending.
(Edmonson, 2009-08-24) Matchstick Men is directed by Ridley Scott. Everyone is rock solid in this story about a couple of con men. Roy (Nicolas Cage) has some quirks and ticks that add a comic touch to his con man, and the young daughter, played wonderfully by Alison Lohman, turns his world askew. Sam Rockwell puts in a fine performance as Roy's partner in crime. It's fun. It's suspenseful. Sit back and enjoy.
(History Buff, 2009-07-08) This movie is "La Dolce Vita" "lite" for those of us who may have trouble parsing the densely packed Fellini original for the moral. I was thinking about the line from one of Paul's epistles where he says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end is death." Fellini's "Vita"--and now Matchstick Men ("MM")--are entrants in the canon of films that explore this idea. It takes more work to get this out of "Vita," because the hero (Marcello Rubini, played by Mastroianni) is so clean-cut and well-intentioned--we could all plausibly want what he wants--so Fellini had his work cut out for him driving us to the conclusion that, no, we *don't* want what Marcello wants; the end thereof is death. The anti-heroes from MM are pre-fabed lost souls; we are quite unlikely to want what they want, and are chomping at the bit to see something give. So when Cage's daughter shows up, we can almost hear the strains of Bobby Darin singing "The Good Life" returning to us in our mind's ear. Add to all this the sweet, almost reverential, use of Rota's "Vita" incidental music in the "airport" and there's no mistaking it; Ridley Scott most assuredly had some tipping of the chapeau to Fellini in mind as he worked out the details of this movie. Fellini fans should take note and indulge in a controlled swoon during this sequence. So: Is the film good? Here's my experience. Like many others commenting in these pages, I felt left a little high and dry by the ending--it just wasn't realistic, and I felt the mythic payload of the movie didn't compensate; it didn't feel like the suspension of disbelief required to accept the ending paid off adequately. However, the film grew on me over the next day. I went back and watched it again, and started to warm up to the overarching theme; the trap of the "sweet life." MM is an accessible "Vita." Some people were put off by the film's final shot before they fade to black. I wasn't. Call me a sappy romantic greenass, but I was deeply touched. This *very* lost soul has finally figured it out; and he got his lesson from life experiences that had been architected to con him. Fascinating!