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Director Sam Peckinpah's film The Wild Bunch is a powerful tale of hang-dog desperados bound by a code of honor. It is said that The Wild Bunch rates as one of the all-time greatest Westerns, perhaps one of the greatest of all films
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Last updated: October 14, 2009, 11:21 pm
The Wild Bunch [Blu-ray] Cusomter reviews:
Average Rating: 4.5 Total Reviews: 230
(connie, 2009-10-14) This film is strictly for men...or anyone who likes violence at its goriest. I was not pleased with it at all and gave it away to a friend. Sorry !.
(Roberto I. Quesada, 2009-09-19) Se puede observar la calidad de esta transferencia tanto en 720p como 1080p. No me ha decepcionado para nada, al contrario, a pesar de ser un film que tiene sus años me sorprendió ver algunas secuencias tan llenas de color y tan bien amalgamadas. Para aquellos que quieran conocer de que va el montaje (montage) ver este film. The Wild Bunch es el "anti-western" por antonomasia, el western mà s violento que jamás haya existido, aparte de "El Topo" de Alejandro Jodorowsky (palabras mayores). Excelente Blu-Ray que recomiendo a ojos cerrados. * Una de las cosas de las que WB se deberÃa preocupar es en los booklets de sus BDs, prácticamente vienen sin nada, solamente el disco. Que bueno serÃa ver algún contenido interesante como bien lo hace Criterion Collection.
(Kelly S. Larue, 2009-09-13) This was the first movie to show graphic violence. Aside from that it was a pretty good action film of some cold blooded killers and their adventures with a ruthless Mexican War Lord.
(Marvin Gozum, 2009-08-14) There are a plethora of reviews of the movie, but my review is a comparison of the BD vs DVD version. The BD version is by far, the best version released but it shows the limitations of the older material that was less obvious in DVD. The audio and video is the clearest and sharpest ever but there is a lack of dynamic range in both; color gamuts are narrower, color are sometimes muted, and sound shortcomings are more obvious in BD -- lacking bass and treble so the midrange tends to be loudest. In a few frame colors are off, for example in the scene were Bo Hopkins is shot, the 'blood' the results is brown, versus red. The final gun battle scene is also different from the first 90% of the movie, its less sharp. The final frames with Ryan and O'Brien is even less sharp. I'm not sure if all these issues are due to problems with available film masters, details I couldn't notice on DVD that are Peckinpah's doing, or the lack of care from the digital process, as by comparison, the 1969 2001: Space Odyssey is near perfect audio and visually, lacking only enhanced sound imaging typically of modern movies.
(neotroglodyte, 2009-05-21) An American original. In my opinion, the finest of any genre. Acting (actors, all at the pinnacle of their craft), editing, scripting, scoring, cinematography, directing are all combined in the rarest of amalgams. None, standing alone, merit such is the alloying of all of these elements, fused in a Sonoran blast furnace, forged on an unsentimental western anvil, and tempered on one screen, which made this lustrous substance. The skill displayed in the opening credits says it all.